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I have been working on completing my family research since May 1988. Every time one thinks you are closer to the end, a whole new line of family or research appears from nowhere. The beauty is that you can never be finished. As long as we have people in this wonderful world, you will always be able to add or improve on the information and data you have. My main aim is to provide as much information to my fellow South African genealogists and other persons just interested in finding out a bit more about their heritage.
My research covers the period from the arrival of the first Dutch settlers in South Africa in 1652 to the present day. I have tried to ensure complete linkage on the individuals in my database to provide a comprehensive analysis of the original families that arrived at the Cape from 1652. This includes combining the various genealogical books already available to South African genealogists, but in an electronic format.
I do hope this research will be as much fun for you to read as it was for me to prepare. If you have any questions or comments about the information on this site
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